Periodic Table
Lanthanide Series * |
57La58Ce59Pr60Nd61Pm62Sm63Eu64Gd65Tb66Dy67Ho68Er69Tb70Yb71Lu |
Actinide Series ** |
89Ac90Th91Pa92U93Np94Pu95Am96Cm97Bk98Cf99Es100Fm101Md102No103Lr |

A common sight in the classroom setting includes the periodic table of elements. You usually see it in the libraries and school hallways. The periodic table of chemical elements is used by scientists to analyze reactivity among elements and observe and predict chemical reactions. In this article, we will discuss the periodic table and everything you need to know about it.
What is the periodic table of elements?
The periodic table contains all elements presented in a tabular form and grouped accordingly. The chemical elements are grouped according to their atomic number, starting from the chemical element with the lowest atomic number to the one with the highest.
Let’s take a look at the history of the periodic table of elements.
The first attempt to group chemical elements started in 1789 when Antoine Lavoisier, a French chemist, started to group elements into metals and non-metals. Four decades after, Johann Wolfang Döbereiner, a German physicist, observed similarities in some of the elements’ physical and chemical properties. He arranged them into threes according to their atomic weight and referred to this as triads.
A revised list of chemical elements with their corresponding masses was published in 1860 at the first ever international conference of chemistry that took place in Germany. At that time, they assigned hydrogen an atomic weight of 1, and the rest of the elements’ atomic weights would be decided by comparing with hydrogen.
John Newlands, a British chemist, tried to group the elements into a periodic table according to the increasing order of atomic masses. He noticed similar properties in all eight elements and arranged them into eight groups. Dmitri Mendeleev, a Russian chemist, created the framework for the modern periodic table in 1869. He arranged the elements into atomic weight and noticed that they didn’t fit in. He eventually predicted undiscovered elements’ properties and referred to them as eka-aluminium; elements that share the same properties as aluminium. It was later on discovered as gallium. It looked good, but there were still discrepancies.
Lothar Meyer, a German chemist, created a new version of the periodic table, and it’s similar to that of Mendeleev’s. The Davy Medal, an award given by the Royal Society of London, was given to Mendeleev and Meyer for their hard work on the creation of the periodic table of elements. The 101st element, discovered in 1955, was named Mendelevium, in honor of Mendeleev’s hard work.

The Periodic Table of Element Groupings
Alkali Metals (Group 1)
It is the group of elements in the first column of the periodic table. This group is characterized as soft and shiny metals, but highly reactive. When they come into contact with water, they burst into flames and can explode.
Alkaline-earth metals (Group 2)
The elements in this group share the same number of electrons at their outermost energy level. They are reactive too, but not as reactive as the elements in the first group.
It consists of elements 57 to 71. These elements share the same characteristics, such as a silvery white color, and when they get in contact with water, they tarnish.
It consists of elements 89 to 103. These are radioactive elements.
Transition metals
The metals in this group are hard but malleable. They are shiny and have good conductivity.
Post transition metals
These elements have similar characteristics to the transition metals.
The elements in this group form a staircase representing a gradual transition from metals to non-metals. They are also referred to as "semi-metals" or "poor metals" because they act as semi-conductors.
It consists of elements starting from carbon to selenium.
These elements are quite reactive and pair up with alkali metals to produce salts of different types.
Noble gases
The elements in this group are colorless, odorless, and non-reactive.
Blocks in the periodic table of elements
Blocks are elements that have the highest energy valence electrons in the same subshell.
The elements in the s-block are those that belong to groups I and II. They have the most valence electrons.
It consists of elements belonging to groups III through VIII, which are primarily made up of non-metals. They have the most energetic valence electrons in the p-subshell
It has the highest energy valence electron in the d-subshell. It consists of chemical elements in groups 3 to 12, mostly made up of transition metals.
It has the highest energy valence electron in the f-subshell. It consists of actinides and lanthanides.
Frequently Asked Questions About the Periodic Table of Elements
Q1. What are the groups in the periodic table of elements?
Q2. What are the periods in the periodic table of elements?
Q3. What are ionic bonds?
Q4. What are covalent bonds?
Q5. What are metallic bonds?
Q6. What is ionization energy?
Q7. What is electron affinity?
Q8. What is an atomic radius?
Q9. What is electronegativity?
Q10. Why is noble gas inert?
Q11. What is the relationship between the atom’s size and ionization energy?
Q12. Why is it that the ionization energy remains positive?
Q13. What are the four main trends in the periodic table?
Q14. How many elements are there in total?
Q15. What is the most unstable element?
Q16. Which is the most beautiful element?
Q17. What is the most colorful element?
Q18. What elements do we use every day?
Q19. What is the basic element of life?
Q20. What is the main difference between the modern and the earlier periodic table (Mendeleev’s)?
Q21. How many periods or rows are there on the periodic table?
Q22. Which was the first element that was made artificially?
Q23. What was the first metal to be named after a person?
Q24. How to calculate the number of neutrons in a given element?
Q25. How to get the atomic mass of an element?
Q26. What are the properties of chemical elements in the metal group?
Q27. What are the properties of non-metal chemical elements?
Q28. What is the purpose of the periodic table?
Q29. Why is it called the periodic table of elements?
Q30. How are the elements in the periodic table arranged?
Q31. What is the biggest element on the periodic table?
Q32. Which element is the weakest?
Q33. What was the last discovered element?
Q34.What are the oldest and newest chemical elements?
Q35. Who discovered the most elements?
Q36. How do periodic trends relate to periodic laws?
Q37. What makes potassium the most reactive metal?
Q38. Why do metals feel cold even at room temperature?
Q39. What makes metal a good conductor of heat?